Open Surge Forum

A fun 2D retro platformer inspired by Sonic games and a game creation system

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#1 2019-04-09 00:07:17

From: Brazil
Registered: 2009-01-27
Posts: 3,304

A change in approach

We've come a long way with this engine, and I find it to be of high quality enough now to make Open Surge the amazing, compelling game it deserves to be. cool

I'd like to take the development more private now. Rather than discussing the game publicly, I find that a private approach works best. Instead of using the forums or other public spaces for discussing details of the development, I intend to proceed with the game privately, and work on a one-by-one basis.

I'll be on the forums for answering questions and helping users with their mods.

PS: there will be more news about the development of Open Surge on YouTube, so get in touch! It's an amazing place for sharing.


#2 2019-04-09 10:02:49

Registered: 2017-10-10
Posts: 144

Re: A change in approach

Alexandre wrote:

We've come a long way with this engine, and I find it to be of high quality enough now to make Open Surge the amazing, compelling game it deserves to be. cool

I'd like to take the development more private now. Rather than discussing the game publicly, I find that a private approach works best. Instead of using the forums or other public spaces for discussing details of the development, I intend to proceed with the game privately, and work on a one-by-one basis.

I'll be on the forums for answering questions and helping users with their mods.

PS: there will be more news about the development of Open Surge on YouTube, so get in touch! It's an amazing place for sharing.

Ok, Alex smile Good luck on it! Hope to see the full version ready in the future.

Also if you need the staff's help we will always be here to help ya.


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