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These are just rough, and when I do pencil drawings, they turn out light, so I contrast-adjusted them.
Anyway, I'm thinking a white rabbit would be a good choice.
#1: I wasn't sure how I wanted the ears yet, and I think the outline on the chest-tuft seems odd considering he'd be all white.
#2: On this one, the arms seem to be freakishly larger than the legs, but I like face better than in the first one, and you get to see his paw.
#3: I wanted to at least try making him run. It's probably hard to tell considering there's no context, but I want him to walk/run on just the fronts of his feet. I think that would be a rabbit-y kind of run.
Anyway, tell me what you think!
Welcome, othilien. Thank you for creating the concepts.
In my opinion, Surge must be more sympathetic. I also think the small pants don't fit well; perhaps a small jacket would be better, or maybe having no clothes at all would feel better. It's the case of experimenting a bit until we reach a nice point.
Let's hear what others think. Thank you again for the contribution, and we hope to see more from you.
Well... it feels almost TOO real, to be honest.
SilverStepP: I think I see what you mean. Well, I drew these before I saw your comment, but I'm not hurting anything by posting.
I think I need to try to make something more in the Sonic style.
On with the experiments!
Here is my first attempt at something more sonic-ish:
sonic was cool, right? i mean he had a cool look, cool attitude, and even a cool game starring himself take SilverstepP's avatar for example - looks cool, looks like a childish character, while still having that look in his face that tells us "i can do this!"
your concept is cool, but it could be an evil version of surge, maybe? i like how he looks, but his eyes look mean, his body too square, his ears should flow instead of being stiff like that. he looks like a fighter in those shorts, kinda reminds me of muay thai athletes. so if your concept comes to be a base for evil surge he could even some moves based on fighting...
the new one, however, looks better. has a more sonic-ish feeling. but you're doing the arms too long. the ideal is having the hands at the same level as the hip, with the wrist a little below waist level.
about the jacket suggestion... i got inspired too, especially after seeing SilverstepP's new avatar. that Charge, if it's not already in the next version, well it should be so i tried not to stray too much from that style.
comments everyone? ---> Open Surge's Discord server
Surge should be sympathetic. He's the mascot of our game. The evil versions could be Dark Surge, but not Surge.
While I don't think that's suitable for Surge, this could be one of those little animals that appear when you kill the baddies.
I have no objections to my evil-looking concepts being the basis for Dark Surge. In fact, I think having Dark Surge be a white rabbit would be clever. I think using Muay Thai as an influence for Dark Surge sounds like a good idea too.
Also, I can see those smaller, cuter animals being used as a basis for an animal that gets saved. I drew those mainly to brainstorm ways to make Surge look more sympathetic. I guess they turned out too cute and not heroic enough. That second one reminds me of a marsupial or something, but I'm not sure what (maybe I'm way off).
KZR: I think both of our latest concepts are too tall.
The problem, I think, is this: in Sonic styles, the characters generally look short with big heads. This adds a sort of cuteness to the character thanks to the childish proportions. However, they also add big hands and feet, and I think these help the character look stronger and less cute. However, the arms and legs themselves are still sort of small. Balancing all these design aspects is not something I'm used to, yet.
I think I'll try something more like my original concepts except making him look kinder, using shoes instead of paws and making the hand-paws bigger. Using a jacket instead of shorts (maybe with full sleeves), and I may change the color (if Dark Surge will in fact be white, having Surge be white too may be confusing). So in other words, it's time for something completely different.
Another suggestion:
Looks a bit like a hedgehog-rabbit hybrid, but can be changed though..
Welcome, Gaivota.
Another suggestion:
Looks a bit like a hedgehog-rabbit hybrid, but can be changed though..
in my opinion it looks like too much like a hedgehog or a rat, but it's a good start
I don't know if it helps, but we have a nice concept of Charge the Badger made by felicia-val.
I definitly love the last picture the most.
I tried to remove some rattish of the little rat boy:
Anyway here is the SVG, fee free to modify:
Well... this seems to be going the wrong way. You said so... it looks more like a rat.
Try pushing closer to some of the Final Fantasy rabbits... it might help in the concept design (NO, NOT COPY AND PASTE):
But of course, with Sonic-like eyes and expression. Essentially, the round head of Sonic (most features included) with the body, figure, and ears of that sort of rabbit.
Technically, I also remember seeing some kind of video clip of a 3D CG Final Fantasy war starting, and it showed a really nice rabbit fighter pilot, with flight goggles and all. Maybe it was from one of the most recent games, but dang if I can find any trace of it now, right when I need it most.
Honestly, I'm not really a fan of Final Fantasy or anything... just trying to show a more animated concept model, considering the current model is a real bunny. So really, less teeth, smoother angles on the face (except for the wide-angled nose), almost 0 raggedness (rats are ragged, bunnies are smooth).
P.S. Isn't this thread supposed to be in development? If not, then why is "The New Characters" thread there? I only noticed this thread by chance, as I usually only look in the 'Development' sub-forum.
Ok it was just another suggestion.
Since you seem to have a very clear vision about how the figure should look like, you can use the svg file to play around with if you want.
best regards
Ok it was just another suggestion.
Since you seem to have a very clear vision about how the figure should look like, you can use the svg file to play around with if you regards
Don't get me wrong, it's quite good, and I meant no offense whatsoever. I always ONLY use constructive criticism (productive, not destructive). I've done much worse (see HERE for example).
What I meant was more like a rabbit, with short fur, and a certain style to the fur (See HERE for more of what I had in mind). I went ahead and did what I could with the short time I had available, and I've so far adjusted the face and ears. The rest of the fur needs to be shorter and the same style as the ears. I removed the teeth, because they just don't seem to fit with the look... and their teeth don't have to hang out. Note also that I don't think Surge should be gray, as Charge is already gray. I suggest red, orange, white, cream, etc. ... I want purple but I know it's not a bunny color, so I don't know if anyone would accept it... I just like the color at the top of this forum. Also, the ears may be a bit long or rectangular or odd somehow... maybe having them be sharp like THIS GUY'S HAIR might help?
Here's what I did so far:
Anyway, do keep making them... they just need a little advice and refining... and NOT ONLY FROM ME!
Last edited by J0nnJ0nes (2010-10-16 18:39:01)
Hehe nice mod. Don't worry I dont get you wrong. I just dont have so much time that I could invest. Just wanted to throw in another idea. Its cool to see what people make out of it as in your example.
best regards
Here's a more refined Surge sketch:
Any changes that might help? He shouldn't be gray, so what other colors? What colors overall?
Here's a more refined Surge sketch:
Any changes that might help? He shouldn't be gray, so what other colors? What colors overall?
If he's gonna have electric powers, then try something bright.
Bright isn't a color!
Sure I'll make him bright .... maybe cyan lighting bolts, gradient, in a tribal pattern? Or maybe gold gradient? But the general color, maybe just white? Or maybe "glowing" white?
Bright isn't a color!
Sure I'll make him bright .... maybe cyan lighting bolts, gradient, in a tribal pattern? Or maybe gold gradient? But the general color, maybe just white? Or maybe "glowing" white?
Maybe not white... we already got one glowy powerful white-ish character (hai there Silver ).
Tribal could work. I like cyan myself, but try different colors first. How about the first thing we do is get a rough sketch of his 'markings' and then try to figure out what colors work best?
Larger Version for a more detailed look: … -board.png
Tribal designs. Say which bits you like, as I can mix and match any, or suggest a new one. Again, someone, anyone, please suggest different whole body colors, any that might look interesting, so I can make a set like this comparing them too.
Tribal designs. Say which bits you like, as I can mix and match any, or suggest a new one. Again, someone, anyone, please suggest different whole body colors, any that might look interesting, so I can make a set like this comparing them too.
I think SurgeChris has suggested using orange, maybe a strong orange (it's on his avatar)
I'm gonna submit one uncolored concept art really soon, maybe about at the end of this week. Try applying the colors in my avatar to my uncolored concept (when it arrives).
Your teacher asks you. What to answer? Say this:
"I thought the teacher is supposed to know."
I'll try to make a nice colored set sometime tomorrow (been busy) . I can do what you said SurgeChris, whenever you might get done with it. If it isn't svg, I can probably convert it to svg for a clearer idea. Yours definitely looks really nice, it's just a matter of the right colors.
I have found a bit of a problem with the design I have... all the stylish bits are fine and look nice on a large image, but at the size of a Sonic sprite, you can't see even a slight resemblance to those details. So, they either have to be larger, more outstanding details, or it wont really go as a sprite.
Are these colors about right? The mouth and other things can have color changes as well, later.
Here is a package of all the svg's up to now: Surge-svgs
Do as you please with them, if you like.