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Light Dash is... well, a Light Dash. Sonic will follow the rings! I incluided 8 directions. And it works perfect.
You only need the .obj file in my page … ownloads-2
because I use the sprite, the image and the sound incluided in the game, the normal ring. Enjoy the object, and report errors and this things
Piece of cake...!
Cool. You could make the rings play the "ending" animation (the small stars that appear when you get a ring)
ok. I´m going to do it. And, I forgot it . The pack includes a "change music" object. Write what is the music you want to change and put it in your level. Perfect for bosses
Piece of cake...!
ok. I´m going to do it. And, I forgot it
. The pack includes a "change music" object. Write what is the music you want to change and put it in your level. Perfect for bosses
I argee, this is a great idee
these are nice, however SilverstepP's boost rings are better in one thing:
every direction has a different ring graphic. your rings look all the same and may be difficult to figure out if you put them in a level, and want to do some changes later. even while editing they get easily mixed up with other dash rings and even normal rings.
so, besides the boost, everything else is a normal ring's behavior and appearance. this effect would be nice with some unique actions, like being invincible during the boost, for example.
ssdw mentioned wind in another thread. i guess your rings are a good starting point.
Last edited by KZR (2010-10-06 05:15:15) ---> Open Surge's Discord server
these are nice, however SilverstepP's boost rings are better in one thing:
every direction has a different ring graphic. your rings look all the same and may be difficult to figure out if you put them in a level, and want to do some changes later. even while editing they get easily mixed up with other dash rings and even normal, besides the boost, everything else is a normal ring's behavior and appearance. this effect would be nice with some unique actions, like being invincible during the boost, for example.
ssdw mentioned wind in another thread. i guess your rings are a good starting point.
Thanks. Don´t know where do you go is the best point of my rings...:) but you´ve reason, is dificult to edit.
Piece of cake...!
ssdw mentioned wind in another thread...
Funny, I'm actually experimenting with this.
every direction has a different ring graphic. your rings look all the same and may be difficult to figure out if you put them in a level, and want to do some changes later. even while editing they get easily mixed up with other dash rings and even normal rings.
What one could do is spawn an object when the light dash ring is created. That object would be only visible inside the level editor, would not be accessible via the editor (name starting with ".", see the api reference) and would contain a graphic of an arrow.
Pages: 1